With enemies like ISIS-K, who needs friends?

ISIS-K has campaigned against the Taliban and is reportedly responsible for terrorist attacks against Russia and Iran. In addition, ISIS and ISIS-K have provided a pretext for US forces to stay in Syria and Iraq.

It is as if ISIS-K did not exist, folks in Washington would have to create it . . .

What is the real relationship between ISIS-K and the US government?

Are alleged attempts to target ISIS-K modeled after so-called poppy-eradication programs during the US occupation of Afghanistan?

2006: Despite eradication efforts of the US-backed government, opium production is soaring, and the Taliban is benefiting.

2023: The Taliban’s successful repeat of the 2000-2001 eradication of poppy production is harming Afghans.

The ISIS and its offshoots are an ongoing CIA/NED/USAID pet project.

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