Ok Lefties, here's your hysterical buzzword for today!



Remember to use it out of context as often as you possibly can to reinforce your hatred for Donald Trump and to reassure each other that YOU’RE NOT VOTING FOR TRUMP!!!
How many hoaxes are you guys going to try to bring the bad orange man down? Now we all know what Trump was referring to with that comment but we all also understand that you’re also desperate to find something that will stick to Trump to bring his rising popularity down, so you HAVE to cling to this buzzword no matter how stupid it makes you look. You should be used to that by now.

Better stock up now on ammo- oh wait, you guys hate guns too so nevermind. Just surrender now and maybe we’ll spare you!! :laughing:


Yup, another prediction from the same mouth that told us Mexico would pay for a wall.

I’m clinging to this thing I don’t care about. I’ve seen it talked about, I don’t like Trump.


It’s only going to get worst that the general election has officially kicked off. This election is looking more like 2016 than 2020. People have had four years of Trump and four years of Biden they will decide which period was better at the voting booths, the media will make little difference as I think most people know who they are voting for.

The only thing that might play a spoiler is RFK jr if he gets on enough ballots. Unless they bar Trump from office through legal means.

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These faux triggering events are just as good as the law fare at improving his popularity with the voters. Please lefties, keep it up.


Conservatives are upset that something that Trump said has been taken out of context and repeated for political effect?


No we aren’t actually upset. As I said, every time you all pull this stunt his support goes up. So keep it up.


Nah, we’re waiting to see when Libs are going to obey their marching orders and start proclaiming that Trump is openly calling for another civil war if he loses. Perhaps that can be added to his other false Jan. 6 case.


Well he could have said something like fundamentally transform America… now that would have been really bad.

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This is one of those laughing at you not with you sort of things.


politics is a dirty game.

bloodbath.the new trigger word for MAGA.


They Did…How much is our country paying everyday since since Biden opened up the boarder wide? We could have have built 10 walls for what has been spent since this catastrophe of a president invited the illegals to come in. And the funny thing is, this liar in chief is trying to blame it on the Republicans!


It’s the unison, where it’s so coordinated, it was obviously planned that they’d all lie by taking out of context what Trump actually said and make it so much worse. When lying is this blatant and at the level we just witnessed…it now knocks on the door of being EVIL.


…and there in lies one of our problems. So many of my fellow Americans consider politics a game.

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Watching MSNBC last night, unfortunately, it’s quite clear that bloodbath triggered the Libs. It’s a shame because anyone who takes the time to watch the whole clips will easily see what he was talking about. It’s a shame too. There is plenty of real stuff to go after Trump about.


Yeah. He could have said something about what difference does it make and it would be just the worst.

This comment was probably worse than Pearl Harbor, the civil war and 9-11.

It was not taken out of context….what we heard over the last 48 or so hours was flat ass hysterical lying.

Leftists are in the process of destroying everything they touch in their hysteria to prop up the terrible Joe Biden and destroy Donald Trump.

It’s only March…and it’s only going to get worse folks.

Democrats are losing their fricking minds…if they aren’t already gone. Sadly the country will suffer in their lust for power and the destruction of one man.


Sure Allan. That’s why the idiots at CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC are all losing their minds and warning of the coming civil war that Trump is trying to start. Because MAGA is triggered! :rofl::rofl::rofl: You’re a real treasure Allan…


Just like Putin did with his opponent in the Russia election.

The woke libs are acting more like him every day.


thanks for making this thread

we need to keep highlighting what a joke the media is, and what lengths they will go to

Gee it makes one wonder what else was total bull ■■■■■ fine people…. russia hillary emails….j6…. mocking a disability….

(hint - all of it)